Network Architecture 
  The neural network system uses a hierarchical pattern detection scheme or system which includes both a low- and top-level pattern detection system. The low-level is responsible and capable of detecting the sub-patterns. The top-level detects the patterns and outline and identify the class to which the patterns belong.

We obtain the binary images form the original, and the binary images take pixelization later soon. That is pattern of size 16×16 binary version is divided horizontally and vertically to create to 16 subpatterns, each of size 4×4.

For each pattern detection neuron, there are 16 subpattern detection neurons labeled 1,2,3...16 connect to it. They are responsible for remembering the subpatterns of training pattern grids. Each shift subpattern neuron contain a toleration limit. Fig. 3 shows the complete network topology.

Fig. 3 the complete network topology of water break defects detection.

